Public Affairs Specialist

Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC, USA
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Job Description

Public Affairs Specialist

Smithsonian Institution


The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex, with 21 museums and the National Zoo. This position is in the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). The National Museum of African American History and Culture is a national museum for the study and exhibition of African American history and culture.


The Public Affairs Specialist works within the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), under the direction of the Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist. OPA is responsible for publicity, promotions, and marketing of the museum and its related exhibitions, programs, collections, initiatives and research as well as crisis communicating, filming and liaison with social media and web content gathering.

In this position, you will:

assist in managing online media inquiries by preparing media inquiry memo and then scheduling interviews among curator and reporters.

assist OPA staff with communication asset writing. Research, write and edit news releases, fact sheets, photo credits and pitch letters/emails designed to attract media coverage for the museum.

develop targeted pitch lists in consultation with senior media team members. Lead scheduling and logistics for OPA’s earned media events and prepare memo for staff review and team awareness.

when appropriate, establish and maintain contacts with individuals, organization representatives and outside groups desiring contact with or access in the museum’s staff or facilities. Represent the OPA at meetings inside and outside the organization as needed.

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