Job Description
Job Summary:
The National Program Manager (NPM) oversees each site of the Religious Services Program (RSP) by directing, ordering, and managing the Local Facility Chaplains (LFC) and Program Assistants.
The NPM:
· Exercises independent judgment to determine reasonable courses of action within the scope of the position’s responsibilities.
· Implements training for new personnel.
· Provides monthly reports of programmatic activities.
· Supports LFCs.
Responsibility and Authority:
The full-time position is located at the RSP office in [Contract site].
The NPM operates under the general direction of the National Director of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and reports to the National COR for ICE.
The NPM oversees the RSP at each site and maintains quality programming that meets the performance standards of ICE.
The NPM is responsible for compliance with all associated federal, state, and local laws as well as regulations and policies. The NPM regularly communicates with the National COR and LFCs.
Job Responsibilities:
The essential duties of the NPM can be summed up in the following functions, each with its attendant areas of responsibility.
a) Administration and Management
i. Supervises operations at all facilities and reports to the National COR on compliance.
ii. Exercises adequate and appropriate management oversight to implement the contract requirements at each site.
iii. Supports policies and needs of the contract SPCs.
iv. Communicates, as necessary, clearly and in a timely fashion the program’s activities to National COR as well as local CORs and AFODs.
v. Manages financial resources and obtains approval from National COR for use of other direct cost budget to purchase religious items.
vi. Coordinates and leads regular conference call meetings of all LFCs and Program Assistants.
vii. Submits monthly invoices to DHS/ICE or delegates this responsibility to JRS/USA finance staff at National Office.
b) Personnel
i. Trains LFCs and Program Assistants on compliance and responsibilities with the applicable laws, regulations, and policies, e.g. Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, American Correctional Association (ACA) Standards for Adult Detention Facilities, ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS), ICE Family Residential Standards (FRS), Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), M-68 (A Guide to Proper Conduct and Relationships with Aliens and the General Public), Standards of Conducts, and requirements of the Statement of Work.
ii. Coordinates deployment of Emergency LFC as required by the National COR.
iii. Notifies the National COR and relevant local COR of any employee’s hiring, termination, suspension, resignation, or employee discipline.
iv. Informs the National COR and relevant local COR of any violations or attempted violations of the standards of conduct or criminal activity.
v. Provides National COR and relevant local COR with certification that new employees have signed the standards of conduct and non-disclosure agreement.
c) Background and Clearance
i. Directs Corporate Security Officer for all matters pertaining to staff background checks, security clearances, and drug screenings.
d) Deliverables
i. Reviews and submits monthly reports on worship services, classes, religious meals, and weddings to National COR.
ii. Addresses deficiencies with performance standards and associated Contract Discrepancy Reports.
e) Performance of Religious Services/Classes
i. Ensures the RSP at each site complies with applicable federal, state, and local laws as well as the PBNDS or FRS.
ii. Serves as a point of contact for religious questions from the National COR, local CORs, and local AFODs
iii. Develops annual religious holiday schedule applicable to the entire RSP.
f) Religious Dietary Needs
i. Directs LFCs on issues that require clarification concerning research or approval/denial of religious diet requests.
ii. Serves as a ready resource for subject matter expert information to staff.
g) Facilitate Access to Religious Items
i. Directs LFCs on issues that require clarification concerning research or approval/denial of religious items including the method in which such items are provided to detainees.
ii. Serves as a ready resource for subject matter expert information to staff.
Qualifications and Experience Requirements
The NPM possesses the following qualifications and demonstrates the competencies identified below.
a) Knowledge Required by Position
i. A complete and thorough knowledge of all recognized religions as well as their basic tenets and worship requirements.
ii. Knowledge of basic security procedures in a detention setting and the skill to implement/maintain these procedures within the religious program.
iii. Knowledge of existing PBNDS and FRS, relevant Policy and Procedures, Standards of the ACA, and other guidelines that govern religious programming in secure facilities.
iv. Skill in implementing and monitoring compliance with policy directives/guidelines.
v. Skill in interpersonal communication with staff as well as outside agencies and organizations.
vi. Knowledge of fiscal management procedures.
b) Professional Preparation
i. Academic Requirements: Candidates must possess a Master’s degree from an accredited college in an appropriate discipline, e.g. Religion, Religious Studies, Theology, etc.
ii. Experience: At least ten years of relevant experience in religious education or religious outreach sufficient to communicate, direct, order, lead, and manage staff at each of the sites.
iii. Religious credentials are not a requirement for the NPM position. Nevertheless in those instances where the NPM possesses religious credentials, then an Ecclesiastical Endorsement must be supplied.
a. An Ecclesiastical Endorsement attests to: the applicant’s suitability for detention ministry,
b. support for his or her candidacy,
c. a clear assurance statement that the applicant has no present nor past legal or moral barrier to congregational ministry at any level.
d. An affirmation that the applicant will afford detainees or residents of any faith opportunities to pursue their individual religious beliefs and practices.
e. The applicant's relationship to the endorsing body must reflect a minimum two-year association before endorsement.
Minimum Requirements of Conduct and Security
a) Criminal Misconduct
Any contract employee who has been arrested or who is under investigation by ay law enforcement agency for alleged criminal misconduct will be removed from performing under this contract pending outcome of the investigation.
b) Background Investigation
All contractor employees shall undergo a background investigation conducted by the ICE Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) through the COR prior to entry on duty (EOD). OPR may reinvestigate a contractor employee at any time.
c) U.S. Citizen
The contractor is advised that all contractor employees must be U.S. citizens and must have resided in the United States of American three out of the last five years.
d) Illegal Drug Screening
The contractor shall screen all employees for illegal drugs prior to commencing work on this contract and within 30 days of contract award. All contractor employees are subject to random drug testing for the use of illicit drugs. Drug screening is urinalysis to detect the use of amphetamines, cocaine metabolites, opiates (morphine/codeine), phencyclidine (PCP), and marijuana metabolites by an individual. ICE may expand the above list to include additional drugs.
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: $50,000.00 - $60,000.00 per year
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