Job Description
The Office of Congresswoman Summer Lee is committed to investing in the next generation of public leaders and citizen activists. Congressional internships offer a comprehensive learning opportunity to understand better how congressional offices and the legislative process work. Both in our Washington, DC, and District Office, the internship program is designed to be a learning experience in which students are exposed to various areas including constituent services, scheduling, office administration, press and communications, and legislative policy.
Serving as an intern on our team is an exciting opportunity to work closely alongside staff and develop professional skills in a Congressional office setting. The ideal intern should be responsible, focused, enthusiastic, able to work cooperatively with Congressional staff, and possess excellent oral and written communication skills.
Our office offers the following types of internships in the Washington, DC, and Pittsburgh office:
- Administrative and Legislative Internship
- Administrative and Communications Internship
- In-District Constituent Services Internship
Intern responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Provide a welcoming environment and positive first impression of the office to constituents, visitors, and other VIPs
- Handle incoming calls with poise, professionalism, and promptness
- Assist with flag and greeting requests from Member, and White House
- Help coordinate constituent tours of the Capitol, White House and other DC-based tours
- Support the administrative staff to deliver and relay messages to Member and staff during Committee business and Floor proceedings
- Assist with Legislative Correspondent and Staff Assistant with research and preparing official correspondence
- Assist constituents with casework requests and other misc. office tasks
Prepare media clips, news briefings, social media posts, and other communications-related assignments
- Attend committee hearings and legislative briefings, prepare memos and other legislative-related assignments
Our office is committed to building a team with diverse lived and professional experience that well equips our team to serve Pennsylvania’s 12th district. Candidates are encouraged to apply and describe in their cover letter how their experience translates to the needs of the office and the role. Ties to PA-12 are preferred but not required. Intern candidates must be at least 18 years old. While we are happy to sponsor course credit when available, enrollment in a higher education institution is not required.
Internship Timeline and Application Deadline:
Summer (May-August): March 15
*Dates are subject to change*
If there are any questions about eligibility or the application process please email us at
Due to the high volume of applicants, you will only be contacted if you are selected for an interview. No phone calls or walk-ins, please.
Please apply directly at
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